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Sunday, March 8, 2020

Tips to avoid climbing injuries: Kakani Adventure Camp

If you are someone who enjoys climbing, you must be aware of the various injuries that might occur while climbing. Climbing is bound to give you a rough and tough experience and may lead to injuries in different body parts like knee, elbow, fingers and head.
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Using right climbing gears such as knee pads, elbow pads, climbing shoes, compass, and ropes is very essential. However, injuries may discourage in your experience so it’s important to avoid such injuries as much as possible. Here are some tips you can follow to have safe and secure climbing.

Most of the injuries are caused due to over use of your body parts, so make sure you get enough rest. Repeatedly climbing on can cause stress on your tendons and joints, thus it is important to know the limitation of your body.

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One of the mistakes that beginners often make while climbing is over gripping. Over gripping puts more force than it is actually required, which makes you easily tired and may have much chances of injuries. Therefore, using less amount of energy while climbing is better for joints and tendons.

Use balm on your fingers while climbing so that you can avoid bad blisters caused by discomfort. This is the best way to avoid injuries specially if you climb regularly and need frequent healing of blisters. Balm keeps your fingers    nourished and helps to recover blisters.
Always consider cross training by doing some weights, cycling, running and other physical workouts to stay fit for climbing. Cross training helps you to build your muscles as well as in maintaining your balance while climbing. Balancing yourself in the rocky cliffs is very important coz it is the key point on keeping yourself away from possible injuries.

Make sure you warm up well before you start your climbing. Some stretches, push-ups, and jogging are the best way to warm up your body to boost up your confidence level. It is true not only for climbing but for any other sports and physical activities. Warming up reduces the risk of injuries by stretching out your shoulders and fingers and makes your climbing experience comfortable and reliable.

Using these tips and tricks you will be able to experience your climbing comfortably and even save your life.    

Tips to avoid climbing injuries: Kakani Adventure Camp

If you are someone who enjoys climbing , you must be aware of the various injuries that might occur while climbing. Climbing is bound to g...