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Sunday, March 8, 2020

Tips to avoid climbing injuries: Kakani Adventure Camp

If you are someone who enjoys climbing, you must be aware of the various injuries that might occur while climbing. Climbing is bound to give you a rough and tough experience and may lead to injuries in different body parts like knee, elbow, fingers and head.
net climbing-kakani
Using right climbing gears such as knee pads, elbow pads, climbing shoes, compass, and ropes is very essential. However, injuries may discourage in your experience so it’s important to avoid such injuries as much as possible. Here are some tips you can follow to have safe and secure climbing.

Most of the injuries are caused due to over use of your body parts, so make sure you get enough rest. Repeatedly climbing on can cause stress on your tendons and joints, thus it is important to know the limitation of your body.

Net climbing-Kakani
One of the mistakes that beginners often make while climbing is over gripping. Over gripping puts more force than it is actually required, which makes you easily tired and may have much chances of injuries. Therefore, using less amount of energy while climbing is better for joints and tendons.

Use balm on your fingers while climbing so that you can avoid bad blisters caused by discomfort. This is the best way to avoid injuries specially if you climb regularly and need frequent healing of blisters. Balm keeps your fingers    nourished and helps to recover blisters.
Always consider cross training by doing some weights, cycling, running and other physical workouts to stay fit for climbing. Cross training helps you to build your muscles as well as in maintaining your balance while climbing. Balancing yourself in the rocky cliffs is very important coz it is the key point on keeping yourself away from possible injuries.

Make sure you warm up well before you start your climbing. Some stretches, push-ups, and jogging are the best way to warm up your body to boost up your confidence level. It is true not only for climbing but for any other sports and physical activities. Warming up reduces the risk of injuries by stretching out your shoulders and fingers and makes your climbing experience comfortable and reliable.

Using these tips and tricks you will be able to experience your climbing comfortably and even save your life.    

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Falling in love with the Earth: Kakani Adventure Camp

Yes, we agree this is the age of technology, and it has its significance in the modern world. But, are we forgetting our mother nature? Are we responsible towards the Earth? Or, are we just pretending to love the Earth, as we get lost in the age of technology? Let’s talk about how we get responsible towards it and how we pass the knowledge to our future generation about conserving and connecting to the Earth.

Ariel view of Kakani Adventure Camp
 Increasing number of depressions, anxiety is enough proof that we are not able to pass and teach young generation the real essence of life. Studies shows that engaging children in outdoor education is far better than just teaching them inside the classroom, theoretically. Children are making paper frogs, reading about parts of the tree, learning about endangered animals, but are they experiencing them in real? Not so much, most of the children are even afraid to go near them. Physical connection with the nature is important to let them experience the real world.

According to the studies, following outdoor lessons is the inexpensive and convenient way to improve youth’s engagement in education. Nowadays, parents or teachers avoid children from playing in the dirt, but they have forgotten that dirt is our real mother apart from our biological mother. We are born out of it, so just by feeling it we feel the very existence of ourselves. We need to act as a gardener so our children can bloom into the better human being, and fall in love with the Earth again.

Mountain view from Kakani Adventure Camp
Exploring outdoor, youths are at one with the mountains, the rivers, and the forests, where they truly belong. Sleeping under the stars once in a while, experiencing sunrise and sunset gives us the taste of the real life. Nature is not a place to visit, this is our home.

As an Adventure camp we always promote these outdoor lessons which can be valuable for youths, as well as adults in their life ahead. These lessons help to increase motivation and reduce stress which is much needed in this age of technology. View of greenery have positive effects on youth’s attention and engagement in education process. Research shows that students are move attentive and engaged after each outdoor visit.

Mountain view from Kakani
Teachers are often worried that students might get overexcited but the case is just the opposite, they get even more enhanced and curious which is a very good thing in the learning process. We need to look at the whole learning environment and link different spaces together. It is very necessary to get students involved in the planning and management of the event from which they learn to be responsible and work as a team. Let them climb tress once in a while to let them know how far they can push themselves, let them keep relationship with animals so that they can understand empathy and behavior.

Therefore, blending technology with outdoor education can be very useful in the future of youths. Here at Kakani Adventure Camp we try our best to accommodate youths as well as adults to provide with above mentioned life skills and various activities with adventure and comfort.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Preparing for overnight hiking: Hike to Kakani

Overnight hiking is always the fun way to skip from your daily life schedule once in a while, but it comes with the whole package of hardship, excitement, fun and adventure. For beginners it might get challenging along the journey but with proper equipment, preparation and understanding, there is nothing to worry about. Here are some tips that comes handy while overnight hiking.

Hike to Kakani
One thing to really keep in mind is choosing the trail for your hike. Always choose your trail with your current fitness level so that you won’t face difficulties along the trail. Do some physical preparation before you head out to the journey. Keep yourself fit with some stretches, jogging and exercises which helps to grow your confidence.
Take time to properly prepare for your trip. Right choice of hiking boots, trekking poles, outfits will make your trip even more easy, according to your chosen trail. Go for breathable, moisture-wicking, and shape retention fabrics so that your journey is comfortable. Make sure you avoid cotton outfits because it absorbs sweat and choose your clothing according to the weather.

Late summer is the great time for your trip coz of the clean weather. Fix your travel date according the weather and avoid going during windy, rainy and cold months to stay away from unwanted troubles along the journey. Hiking is meant to be fun and exciting with full of natural environment and beautiful scenes along the trail so make sure your trial is well marked and has flat surfaces for good campsite and views. Depending on the campsites, it determines how fun and comfortable your camping will be. Small rivers, greenery and forest provide resources like water, fire woods and even foods for your camping so choosing campsite with these availabilities will be better. If you are travelling with your kids, sites like this will provide them with some extra activities to engage in, which will not only be fun but boost your kids mind and soul.
Every place is not free to travel, check if your destination requires a permit. Planning for transportation is always necessary, book your transport earlier so that you won’t be delayed in your travel date. Maintaining your health state while travelling is very vital, that’s why it’s necessary to manage good hygiene. Carry some basic first aid kits so, that you can treat minor injuries yourself, its better you also learn some basic safety rules.

On the way to Kakani Adventure Camp
Obviously, safety is the first priority. Make sure you build your campfire securely by circling it with stones which stops fire from spreading. Campsites are used by other people also, manage your waste so that the places you love will remain the same for years to come, usable for other travelers too.

With all these tips and tricks, you will have safe, secure and remembering overnight hiking like you always wanted. We hope in the end of your travel you will be filled with joy and learn valuable life skills which will come in handy for years to come.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Being a responsible camper

Responsible camping is often an afterthought when you are under the stars and blending with nature. It is always important to stay safe, and know the land of your destination and prepare for emergencies. Particularly, research about where you’re going and what will be the weather like in your campsite.

There are hundreds of things you can bring along with you while camping, but only prioritize the ones that will save you and make your camping comfortable. First-aid kits are always worthy packing for your camping. Make a list by writing down important things on a paper, that will make sure you haven’t left anything. Things such as compass, basic tool kits, 2-way radios, heat lamps, flash light, bug spray, water and toilet papers come in handy in your camping trips.

Camping @ Kakani Adventure Camp
Keep weather updates because you need to be aware of the environment if it can shift dramatically. Thanks to the internet, its been so easy to stay updated about weather conditions through different weather apps. Get the updates from these apps and act appropriately. In case, the weather shifts to rainy and stormy its better to seek shelter until it passes but make sure you avoid lone trees, streams, and exposed places.
Responsible camping means you always follow the camp rules and regulations. Rules are there for the reason and often for your own safety along with preservation of the environment around your camp.

Morning is always the right time to set off for your camping which gives you enough time to explore around the campsite and set up your camp. At least for an hour and half explore around the camp to avoid hazards and to collect water, fire woods and other essential resources. However, avoiding night time for collecting resources and using flash lights or headlights if it’s really needed to, is always safe.

Camping at Kakani Adventure Camp
Mountain view along with tents from Kakani Adventure Camp Responsible Camping

As, we already know water is an important resource, so always preserve and don’t waste it. We need water for cleaning our self, cooking, clean utensils. Don’t assume that its safe to drink water directly from rivers or streams even if it looks clean. So, carrying a filter or water purifiers can keep you away from unwanted illness. Drink plenty of waters so that you stay hydrated while in your camping.

Being responsible is not that hard, just clean up your campsite before you leave and don’t leave any trace. Make sure you don’t leave footprints and your camping waste to keep it original for other campers as well. Don’t destroy plants, tress, bushes, and animals around your camp to keep it natural and show gratitude towards the nature. All you need is a bit of planning and bring all the things you need for successful camping.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Adventure Connects Kakani, Tent Camp near Kathmandu

On adventures, we will be able to get to know many wonderful people. People who will not judge you, and welcome you with arms wide open.  Peoples with full of thoughts, stories and shaped by adventures is surely a good influence on our self.
Those who are an adventurer learns new things and think differently. We live in a nation with many cultures and languages, but an adventure, it doesn’t even matter what color skin you have, what god you pray or not pray at all, in the end, we all are the same. This is what adventure teaches us. There is much more that connects than separates us because everyone carries a bit of adventure within them.

Only those who travel accept themselves as they are, and learn to be tolerant, patient, relaxed and open to the world. People have come to know more about the benefits of adventures than ever before which is a good thing. When we actually engage in adventures, it’s obvious that we meet new people. Some have different perceptions, some might be interested in different things, but adventure binds them all together, where they appreciate nature and perform different activities.

Thus, with all the benefits, we suggest you join KAKANI ADVENTURE CAMP with various activities and courses related to adventure. Why waste time when you already know how really well is adventure? Come and connect with many adventurers and share your experiences as well as hear stories of adventures from other people.

Kakani Hotel and TentCamp
Ariel view of Kakani adventure camp

Kakani Hiking
Hiking to Shivapuri National Park

Tips to avoid climbing injuries: Kakani Adventure Camp

If you are someone who enjoys climbing , you must be aware of the various injuries that might occur while climbing. Climbing is bound to g...